Prove God

Published: 22 October 2013

By Bryce Lowrance

When I was in school, I loved math until I took Geometry. I actually liked Geometry until we had to do proofs. I just didn't understand what I was to do when I had the problem and solution there in front of me. If the problem was solved, why did I need to concern myself with it? What I was needing to do was to prove the math to myself. I was not going to change the laws of math by working through the problem. I was going to discover that the answer was true and why it was true.

This is what Paul means in Romans chapter 12 when he tells us we can “prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” When we are All In for the Lord, we replace man’s philosophies with the word of God. We not only do this in our mind, we put it into practice in our daily walk. In doing this, we discover what the will of God is for our lives. We discover purpose and wonderful fellowship with our Creator and Redeemer. We prove to ourselves that God’s word is true. We prove to ourselves that God loves us. We prove to ourselves that God gave His only begotten son for us so that we may have eternal life!