Walk in Wisdom
4 January 2014
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. - Ephesians 5:15-17
The third way we follow the leader in our game of discipleship is to walk in wisdom.

This walk actually teaches how to walk in love and in the light. As we study the Bible and attend church more, we will learn more about how our Savior loves us. This will encourage us to imitate that love toward others. In our active worship, we will also learn the moral absolutes of God. This will help us make good decisions in our daily walk in light.
All three of these walks point back to the Savior's sermon on the mount where He plainly taught that its not just the folks that go to church and hear the message that are wise. There are many that hear the message and forget it as soon as they go out the door. The Lord said that this is foolish and like building your house on shifting sand. We should be the wise ones that build our house on a strong rock foundation. We should read, study, pray, attend worship (both singing and preaching) and then we should live it in our walk.
If we passively worship the Lord with little attention and even less personal devotion to study, it is as if we see the other children play the game of following the leader but we are not playing it ourselves. We can see that there is joy in following God but we don't experience it personally.
When we walk in wisdom, we are making the most of the gift of eternal life that we have been given. We need to make a decision today, and everyday, to redeem the time! We may not have been active in the game of joy before, but we can start fresh each day and live our eternal life now. When we do this, we buy back the time that we lost in vain living. When we do this, we are acting like are Savior. When we act like our Savior, we fell like our Savior.
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