Forsaking All
23 September 2014
"And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him." (Luke 5:11)

What passion and desire for the Lord does it take to immediately leave all you have known about life and follow Jesus completely?
That is exactly what these men did. They left their jobs, they left kinsman behind, and they even left the huge draught of fishes they had just worked to bring ashore!
Does this mean we are to sell everything we have, quit our jobs, and leave our families to serve Jesus?
To put it simply, no.
But Jesus does call us to prioritize our lives.
Material wealth and fame should never be our focus. When we serve the Lord, He will supply all our needs. Perhaps we are called to be a disciple IN our current occupation!
Natural family should not be chosen over service to the Lord but that does not free us of our responsibilities if we are parents or children. In fact, we see shortly after Peter was called by the Lord to follow him that Jesus healed his mother-in-law.
As disciples, we should seek to glorify the Lord Jesus with every aspect of our lives. That means if you are a father, you should be the kind of father that God has been to you. If you work with computers, you should be the best you can be for the glory of Jesus. If you are stay-at-home mom, you should be the keeper of the gates of your home for the glory of Christ!
Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you are, do all things to the glory of God!